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On our way to TWO!!!

She just keeps on growing and growing and growing!!! Here are some pictures leading up to Sammi's Second Birthday!!
Make sure to scroll to the right...there are three pictures in each row!! You wouldn't want to miss any!!

"Elmo, do you know what this mouse is for??
(19 months)
Still showing that Elmo and Scraps are her favorites, here she tries to get some help from them on the computer!!

Please, keep the Paparazzi away!!!!
(20 months)
By now, Sammi has begun to string some words together to form short sentences or phrases. One of our favorites..."I wuv you too"!!

First, Daddy makes her a Jets fan, and now a Pacers one too??!!!
(21 months)
By now, Sammi has started counting. She can count to 13, but you have to start with 1 for her and she sometimes misses 4! But, I'd say that is pretty good for a 21 month old!!

Can I just eat my breakfast in peace!?!?
At 21 months, Sammi's favorite breakfast food is definitely whole wheat Eggo waffles!!! "Wa-wa" as she likes to call them!! Although here she is eating her standby 2nd fav...whole wheat toast and of course, Cheerios!!!

No, not Sammi, Mommy!
Yes, this is mommy when she was a little toddler! You thought it was Sammi, didn't you!!!???

Innocent as ever at 21 months.
Samantha continues to share with us her ever expanding vocabulary! She repeats everything and has now started saying "Okay Nena" (what she calls herself)!!

Click the link below to see a video clip of Sammi telling her mommy "I wuv you mama too"!
I Wuv U Mama

Another one of mom!!!
Unbelievable, right?

Enjoying a day at the zoo!!
Here is Sammi enjoying a nice day at the zoo at 22 months old!

My First Ice Cream Cone!
Here Sammi enjoys here first ice cream cone at the zoo! Believe it or not, it wasn't a HUGE mess!

Like my new bikini??
Here is Sammi at opening day at the pools, looking sexy in her new bikini!!

Cool orange noodle!
Well, this wasn't my noodle, so after we went to the pool, mom went to Target to buy me my own!!!

Here you can see a clip of how brave Sammi is in the pool! She just loves to jump in...even if you aren't looking!!!
Pool Jump

Sweet as ever at 23 months!
Don't let her fool you, she can still act up when she wants...no matter how innocent she looks!

Two Years Old!!!!
Well, the portrait taking experience wasn't smooth, but we ended up with a couple of good shots!

Time sure does fly!!
Another two year portrait.
At the age of 2, Sammi was 25 pounds, 10 1/4 ounces and was 35 inches tall. That puts her in the 25th-50th percentile for weight and the 75th-90th for height!

Happy Birthday to Me!
Celebrating her 2nd birthday with Mommy and Daddy back in CT!!
Click the link below to see more birthday pictures and pictures from our trip to CT.

Trip to CT & Birthday Party