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Christmas 2003

Olivia's First Christmas and Another One for Sammi!
During the 2003 holidays, we were still living in Colorado. But, we did not want to celebrate the holidays without our family. So, we made the trek back east with two kids so that we could share Christmas with our family! We had a great time!

I want, I want, I want!!!

This year Sammi decided that Santa wasn't so bad afterall! She particlularly like the fact that mom promised her a cookie if she sat on his lap! Well, you know? Sometimes bribery works wonders!!!

Yes, It's Fake!!

Well, at least we didn't have to trek through the cold to go cut it down! But, in order to have a tree and be able to go back to CT, we decided fake was best! It does look good, though!

The Beautiful Girls!
Samantha and Olivia are all decked out for Christmas Eve dinner at Aunt Elissa's house.
Samantha had so much fun making a mess of Poppa Mikey's house! Poppa Mikey didn't like it so much!
Olivia & Poppa Mikey
I love my Poppa Mikey!
The 2003 Cookie Crew!
Like every year, there were enough cookies to feed an army! Here are all the people responsible for baking them all!
YUM!! Hershey Kisses!
Just like Grannie Annie, Sammi discovered she loves Hershey Kisses. Here she is digging into the cookie trays to find some more!
Olivia and Cousin Nina
Here's Olivia hanging out with her cousin Nina all ready for bed!
Good morning! Did Santa Come?
Here the girls model their new pajamas before they start opening presents!!
Which ones are for me? All of them?
It didn't take long for Sammi to find a few presents under the tree for her!
Yeah!! Another Elmo Book! My Favorite!
Samantha unwraps just one of many of her presents!
I Love My Grannie Annie
Olivia and Grannie Annie pose for a picture!
What a Happy Bunch!!
Sherri and Mom show Chris some love!!!!
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