This is the Home Page for Samantha Berk! As you probably know by now, she was born July 19, 2001, weighing 6 pounds 12 ounces and 21 inches long! Below you can find lots of links with pictures and statistics as she has grown. We hope you enjoy!

0 to 6 Months 6 to 12 Months
12 to 18 Months 18 Months to Two Years
Age 2 to 2 1/2 Age 2 1/2 to 3
Age 3 to 4

Below are some links to see how Sammi and the rest of the family celebrated the holidays in 2003.

Halloween 2003 Hanukkah 2003 Christmas 2003

And in 2002:

Halloween 2002 Thanksgiving 2002
Hanukkah 2002 Christmas 2002

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