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Samantha, The Start of The Preschool Years.....

No longer our toddler, she's our little girl!
Getting bigger and bigger, faster and faster! Here are pictures of Samantha from ages three to four!

We're Going Home!!!!

Well, we didn't move them home in boxes, but we did move them home! In August 2004, we returned home to Connecticut!

I Love My Mommy!
Samantha and Mommy relax after helping Olivia celebrate her first birthday!


The shirt says it all! How can you not LOVE this beautiful little girl!?

Samantha is three years, two months old in this picture. By this time she has started at her new preschool in Connecticut and is loving it! She is still smart as ever, talking really well, counting, recognizing all her letters and now she even knows how to spell her own name! The whole name too, not just the nicknames!

Bend It Like Samantha!
In the fall of 2004, Mommy and Daddy signed Samantha up for a cute little soccer program. At first she hated it and cried almost the entire time she was there each week, but insisting she wanted to stay and go back the following week. By the end of the 7 week session, she loved it!

Enjoying A Beautiful Fall Day

Since Samantha enjoyed the swings so much at the parks in Colorado, we just couldn't help but buy her and Olivia their very own swing set for our back yard! It was money well spent. They both love it!!

Pickin Pumpkins!
Samantha loved pumpkin picking this year!!! She tried to pull the wagon around with the pumpkins in it, but since she picked such big pumpkins, that wasn't easy for her!

Madame Butterfly!

For her Halloween costume this year, Samantha chose to be a beautiful butterfly!! She wanted Olivia to be one too, so she dressed in a matching costume, only her's was orange and black!

A Gorgeous Fall Day
In hopes of getting the "perfect" Holiday card photo, Mommy took Samantha and Olivia out in the yard for a photo shoot one beautiful fall day. Well, it may not be "perfect" but this was the shot we went with!

Goofy Cousins

Samantha and her cousin, Siena, goof around at the mall! Siena came to visit us with her sister, Bianca, and her Mommy and Daddy, for Thanksgiving. We all had so much fun together!

Samantha, the Hairstylist
Looks like Samantha won't be heading to beauty school anytime soon! Not sure anyone would WANT their hair to look like this!

Time for the Christmas Tree Hunt

Our annual trip to the local tree rarm was renewed with our move home! We had so much fun looking for the "perfect" tree!

I Like This ONE!!
Samantha thought the little trees were just so cute! She gave this one a bug but when I offered to let her bring it home for her room, she declined!!

Time to Decorate!

Samantha loved helping Mommy decorate BOTH our Christmas trees this year. In this picture, she is hugging the fake tree that we brought from our house in Colorado and decorated and put in the living room. She just thought it was so cool that we had TWO trees! Daddy thought it was nuts, but, oh well!

Happy Hanukkah
Hanukkah was another fun holiday for the girls. As always, they were spoiled by their grandparents and Auntie Meryl. Here Sammi is opening one of her many gifts!

Samantha in the Duck

Sort of like a Jack in the Box, this is Samantha in the Duck!

Samantha and Scraps (still Sammi's "lovey") pose in their new hats that Grandma knit them for Hanukkah!

Samantha Hits "The Big Apple"

On December 13th, Mommy and Daddy took Samantha into NYC to see the Radio City Rockettes Christmas Spectacular. Samantha loved the show and loved seeing the "huge" tree in Rockefeller Center! We had a great day that included lunch at Bubba Gumps and a ride on the train!

Look What I Made!
Ok, so it was just a kit from Costco, but she thought it was pretty cool to make! Samantha was just so proud of her Gingerbread House that her and Mommy made!

Merry Christmas!

Christmas morning was lots of fun with Samantha probably enjoying Christmas morning for the first time with some understanding of Santa Claus and all the presents! Here the girls patiently open their stocking stuffers!

A Snowy Winter Day
Samantha is much like her mother....snow looks really nice and even fun, but once you get out there, it's too cold, too wet and just not a good time at all! This was our first time out in the snow for the 2004-2005 winter and she just wasn't sure of it. We tried sledding a few times, but it wasn't her favorite thing to do. She did build a snow man a few times this winter with Daddy, but overall, I think she prefers to the beach to the snow! That's my girl!

Cute as a Button?

That's the name of the clothing line, and we sure think it applies!

All Dressed Up and No Place to Go!
Here is Samantha doing one of her favorite things...playing dress up! She has a trunk of dress up clothes which include outfits like these, some Princess costumes and of course, her old dance costumes. She just loves to dress up and dance around the house.


Mommy thinks these pajamas are so ugly, that they are actually cute!!

Do we have a Chef in the making?
Probably not, but here she is, all dressed to the part, helping Mommy bake Daddy's birthday cake!

Our Vacation to Aruba

In March 2005, we took a family vacation to Aruba. We went with Mommy's best friend, Pam, and her husband and two children, Jack and Will. We had a great time! We rented a beautiful villa with our own private pool which worked out really well, especially for when the kids napped and went to sleep at night. We really had a fabulous vacation. Here you can see Samantha enjoying the pool with Jack

Samantha hits the Beach in Aruba
See what I mean? Doesn't the bathing suit look so much cuter than the snow suit?

Daddy's Little Girl

I think the best part about the vacation was how much time the girls got to spend with their Daddy. Since we've moved back to Connecticut, and especially since the beginning of 2005, he's been spending a lot of time in Europe, so this was a great week for us all to hang out and spend some quality time together!
To see more pictures from Aruba, check out our album at the Kodak Gallery (formerly Ofoto)...
Vacation to Aruba

The Weary Traveller
On our way home, here is Samantha at the airport in Aruba.

Uncle Chris's Wedding

On April 1st, 2005, Uncle Chris got married to the girl's new "Aunty Carol". We were all thrilled to be there and to be a part of their special day and we are even more excited for their baby who is due to arrive on the scene in August!!