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About Our Family
The Immediate Family
Marc and Sherri met in 1994 when they worked together at Arthur Andersen. Yes, two CPA's in one family! They began dating in December 1995 and got engaged in Montreal in August 1998. They were married in Connecticut on September 25, 1999.

In July 2000 the house they were building was completed and they moved in. In October 2000, the family grew by one with the addition of Baxter, the family dog, a Golden Retriever.

Only weeks after Baxter's arrival on the scene, Sherri and Marc found out that they were expecting their first baby. Samantha was born on July 19, 2001 at 2:33 pm. She instantly became the light of their lives. Now Baxter had some competition.

The Extended Family
Marc is the only son of Karla and Lee. Karla is a real estate agent and Lee is a retired school teacher. He spends his summers working for the State of Connecticut inspecting camps. They live together in a beautiful house in Connecticut. Marc also has an older sister Meryl who lives in the Boston area. Meryl is a the owner of a successful public relations firm. Samantha was the first grandchild on Marc's side of the family.

Sherri is the daugther of Ann and Mike, who were divorced in 1974. Ann is a Marketing Assitant for MetLife and Mike is a retired school teacher. He works summers as a Waterfront Director for a country club in New York, where he lives. Sherri has two older brothers, Michael and Chris. Michael is married to Tina and has a beautiful daughter, Siena, who was born in December 2001. They live in the Seattle area. Chris lives in Connecticut in Marc and Sherri's house while they are in Colorado. Sherri also has two teenage sisters, Alex and Catie who live in Rhode Island with Sherri's Mom.