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Welcome to the World!!!

Sherri and Marc arrived at the hospital at 8pm on Sunday, September 14th for the scheduled induction that was to take place the next day. Sherri was checked and was 4cm dilated. They almost sent us home as there was no reason to put in the gel or anything as my cervix had already gotten quite a start. But, after speaking with the doctor, they decided to just have us stay and get things going first thing in the morning.

They started the pit at 6am and mom was feeling pretty good. Contractions were coming, but not too bad in terms of pain. At 9:30am or so the nurse came in and asked if Sherri wanted the epi as the doc was going to come break her water and based on her history, once her water is broken, there would have been no time for the epi. So, the epi was in by about 10:15am and the doc came in shortly after and checked Sherri. She was 5cm dilated and 90% effaced and he broke her water.

A few minutes before 11:00 Sherri said to Marc that she was feeling pressure, but wasn't quite sure if it was 'something' or not. Funny thing was that she wasn't feeling any contractions and the monitor wasn't showing any - she thought that the labor had stopped. We now guess the belt was in the wrong place because we called the nurse and she checked Sherri who was found to be 10 cm and ready to push! So, she got the doc, broke down the bed and Sherri was pushing by a few minutes after 11.

Olivia Rose joined us at 11:37am weighing in a 6 pounds 8.5 ounces. She was 18.5 inches long. She looks a lot like Sammi when we was born but her hair is a bit darker. Sammi loves her and even brought one of her videos for the baby to 'watch' with her at the hospital.

Welcome to the World, Olivia!
Here she is after just arriving on the scene.
Getting her vitals checked
How Big?
Olivia entered the world weighing 6 pounds 8.5 ounces. She was 18.5 inches long.
What a Tiring Day!
Exhausted from delivery!
Meet Your Big Sister!!!
Sammi just loved Olivia right away!
Daddy and His New Girl!
Well, now Marc is officially out numbered, but we don't think he minds!
Proud Grannie!
We were so lucky to have Grannie Annie here to take care of Sammi while we were in the hospital!
Time To Go Home!
Olivia and Mommy wait for the ok to go home!
Ready to Go!!
All buckled in for the ride home!!!
More Pictures of Olivia's Birth!

Check out the Link Below to see pictures of the first Six Months!
Olivia's First Six Months