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Favorite Links:

Ofoto Photo Albums
We use Ofoto to share our photos online with others. We have included links here to some of the albums because there are just too many pictures to put on this site. Feel free to take a look at some of the albums over there. You will see pictures of our family too, including Samantha's cousin, Siena, who is shown below in the collage of pictures.

If Ofoto asks you for an email and password enter "sherrif0925@yahoo.com" for the email and "Baxter" for the password.

There are some other links below to websites we like to visit.

Ofoto Albums
Sammi's Mikvah These are some pictures from Sammi's Mikvah (her conversion to Judaism) as well as some other cute shots of her taken around the same time, April 2002.
Sammi's First Birthday Party Here are pictures from Samantha's First Birthday Party. What fun we had!!
Sammi's One Year Pictures These are the portraits we had taken for Samantha's One Year pictures.
Sammi's Not A Cowgirl Well, despite the having moved to Colorado, Samantha is not all too anxious to become a cowgirl. These pictures were our attempt at getting her to wear a cowboy hat when we were in Colorado in September 2002!
2002 Pumpkin Picking Pictures Here are pictures from when we went Pumpkin Picking for Halloween 2002.
Denver's big Snowstorm of 2003 Click on this link to see pictures taken during Denver's big March 2003 blizzard!


Click the links below to see pictures from our vacation. We flew to Las Vegas then drove to the Grand Canyon (stopping at the Hoover Dam) and then drove down to Sedona!

Las Vegas

Hoover Dam and Drive to Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon


Favorite Sites
Swim Across America Here is a link to a charity that is near and dear to our hearts. It raises money for cancer and we have been involved with it for a few years now. Please check out the site...maybe you can get involved too!