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Olivia, Age 12-18 Months

The Toddler Years Begin!
This was Mommy's favorite age with Samantha, and I am beginning to think it is with Olivia too!
Enjoying Some Time Outside
Olivia sits in her stroller and watches as Samantha blows bubbles!
Fast Asleep
Olivia demonstrates quite the sleeping style!
When we moved to Connecticut, we bought a swing set for the girls for the back yard. Well, Olivia LOVES it! Anytime we would walk into the back yard or even out onto the deck, she would start clammoring to go on that swing set! At least we know it was a worthwhile investment. Big sister, Samantha, likes it too!
Olivia was unsure what all the excitement was about with all the pumpkins!
Now I am going to get you!
Olivia shows Sammi that she can play just as rough as her big sister!
A Beautiful Butterfly!
Samantha decided that both she and Olivia would dress up as butterflies for Halloween. Or, as Poppa Mikey would like to say "The Butterfly and the Sisterfly!"
I love my Daddy!....And my peanut butter sandwich!!
We just love this picture of Olivia as she clings to her Daddy and her PB&J sandwich! She is most definitely a Daddy's girl, no doubt about that! If Marc is in the room, he MUST be holding her or she is screaming. It's really quite unbelieveable!!
Just Rearranging the Cabinets
Olivia likes to empty out the cabinet full of sippy cups and plastic plates and bowls. Well, this particular night, I guess she felt she couldn't quite empty the whole thing unless she climbed inside!
How Big's Olivia???.....Sooooo big!! So's My Cousin!
Olivia hangs out with her cousin Bianca during their Thanksgiving week visit with us.
Poppa Mikey and His Gang
Here's Poppa Mikey with his three children, their spouses and his four granddaughters! We only found out shortly after this was taken, that a new spouse and grandchild were on their way...so, looks like we'll need to update this picture soon!
The Christmas Tree Hunt
Since we lived in Colorado for Christmas 2003, and came home to Connecticut, we never went to cut down a Christmas Tree. So, here is Olivia enjoying her first annual trek to the local tree farm to get our Christmas tree. She just loved it and really enjoyed being in the backpack on Daddy's back.
Wiped Out!
Sure was tiring up there on Daddy's shoulders! Poor Daddy, HE was the one who was REALLY tired!
Happy Hanukkah!
"Now, what do you suppose is in THIS one?!" Olivia just loved opening her gifts and as always, was spoiled by Grandma, Poppa, and Auntie Meryl. She had a great Hanukkah!
Look at THIS cool toy!!
Olivia enjoys a new toy on Hanukkah!
Like My New Hat?
Grandma made it for me! And if you go look at Samantha's 3 to 4 year page, you'll see the ones she made for Samantha and Scraps!
Enough of the slices....
...just give me the whole banana, Mom!
Merry Christmas Daddy!
Olivia, looking beautiful, on Christmas Eve!
My First Bike!
It just may be a while before I can actually ride it!

On Christmas Day 2004, Olivia took her first steps without help! She did it one or two times, but would wait another three or four weeks until she really started to walk all the time.

Happy New Year!
Olivia rings in the New Year at the VERY exciting (note: dripping with sarcasm!) local "parade" and fireworks with Grandma, Poppa, Auntie Meryl, Daddy and Samantha!
"I'll have to get back to you on that..."
"when I finish checking my email." Olivia shows us how well she can multi-task!
Alright, I'm Ready to Go!
Livvi shows off her stylin' hat and leopard trimmed jacket!

Olivia is now just over 16 months old and walking on her own....finally!!! Mommy sure did get tired of carrying her around!

Nope, don't really like this snow!!
Olivia was less than thrilled during her first real outing in the snow. Her first winter, there wasn't much snow for playing in, but apparently, that wasn't a problem for Olivia, since she didn't take to this year's snow all that well!
Is it Mardis Gras?!
Well, Olivia seems to think so! But, for her, every day is Mardis Gras! She just loves to wear these beads around the house. She has also taken to being half undressed as well!
Trying to Look More Like Mommy!
Everyone says she looks just like her mom! Guess she was trying to really complete the look with Mommy's hat.
Shhhh! Don't tell Mommy she's rooting for the UCONN Huskies!!! Actually, she is really not, but this bone does look pretty cute!

At this point Olivia is about 17 months old. Her vocaulary at this point is pretty much just "Ma-Ma", "Da-Da", and "Ba-Ba" (for Baxter). It seems as though her big sister is doing all her talking for her!

A Temper Tantrum in Aruba!
In March, 2005, we took a family vacation to Aruba with Mommy's best friend Pam, her husband Michael and their two kids, Jack and Will. Here is Olivia on the first day of our vacation, having a temper tantrum because Daddy won't hold her! He was in the pool swimming with Samantha and Olivia wanted to be picked up. She was really a real Daddy's girl at this point, age 18 months.

After letting her have this fit on the pool deck at our beautiful villa we rented, she actually was very good the rest of the trip and little by little, has gotten over her unhealthy attachment to her father!

A Bronzed Beauty
Olivia's beautiful olive skin took on a gorgeous tan despite all the sunscreen we used on her!

To see more pictures from Aruba, check out our album at the Kodak Gallery (formerly Ofoto)...
Vacation to Aruba

Some Fun in The Sun
Olivia splashes in the little pool with Jack, Will and Samantha.
Happy Easter!!
Well, we did spend Easter in Aruba so we didn't do much to celebrate, but the girls did sit on the Easter Bunny's lap before we left!