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Family Photo Page

Here are some pictures of the family. We have tried to include pictures of everyone in the immediate family so that you can get a feel for who we all are. If you go to the Ofoto Albums link at the left, you can be linked to more Albums of the family. There are also links included which cover Samantha's growth and development and what she looked like along the way.

The Sisters!!!
(Sammi 26 months, Olivia 11 days!)

Sammi and her pal Baxter!

Cutting down the Christmas Tree....Christmas 2001

A Little BC Eagle
Samantha at 6 months

Such a happy family (July 2003)

Sammi and Mommy...December 2001

Baxter when he was just a little Pup!!

Samantha, at 20 months, with Poppa Mike-Y and Mommy

Sammi and her Grannie Annie (her Mommy's Mommy)...8 months

Samantha and Grandma (Daddy's Mommy)...10 months

I love my other Grandpa (Daddy's Daddy) too!!!
(Samantha 9 months)

Samantha (at 11 months) and her cousin Siena (at 6 months)

Samantha's first finger-painting experience - making handprints for Father's Day 2003

Sammi (10 months) and Auntie Meryl

Sherri, Marc, and Samantha with Uncle Michael, Aunt Tina, Siena, Grannie Annie, Aunts Alex & Catie and Uncle Chris

Rub a Dub, I was splashin in the Tub (1 Year)

Sammi and her best pal, Baxter

Before they knew they were pals...she was only 6 weeks old!

Sammi really does love her cousin Siena!!

Sammi, Mommy and Daddy in July 2002

Sammi & Olivia in November 2003...their first professional portrait together!

Three generations of women...July 2002

Sammi with Grandma and Grandpa...June 2002

An ever happy 14 month old!

Extreme CloseUp of a pretty cute 13 month old!

Grandpa always makes Sammi laugh! (May 2002)

Sammi's cousin, Siena at 10 months

Samantha at 6.5 months with her Uncle Chris

A 4 month old Samantha and her aunts Alex and Catie

Uncle Michael, Aunt Tina and Siena