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Hanukkah 2002

Well, once again, Sammi had a very nice Hanukkah. She got lots of great gifts and had tons of fun playing dreidels with Grandpa!! We can only imagine what she will be like on Christmas morning!

Lighting the Menorah
Sammi gets to light her very own menorah each night. She loves to watch us light the real menorahs
Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel
Sammi tries very hard to spin the dreidels on her own, but generally she needs help! Grandpa just loved playing with her!
My size Elmo...WOW!
Nope, the Elmo obsession isn't gone. It has been a real Elmo Holiday Season around here, and the holidays have only just begun!!
She shoots, She scores!!
Mommy and Daddy bought Sammi a basketball hoop for Hanukkah so she could learn to shoot hoops with Daddy!
What a great holiday!!!
When's Christmas??

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More Hanukkah Pictures

Keep going...now you can see Christmas too!!!
Christmas 2002