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Wow, a second child for Marc and Sherri!!!
In January 2003, right before their big move to Colorado, Marc and Sherri were delighted to find out that baby #2 was on the way!! Her first visit to the doctor confirmed a due date of September 25th, Marc and Sherri's fourth wedding anniversary! However, due to Sherri's recent diagnosis with Factor V Leiden, a blood clotting disorder, Sherri was told that she would be induced early! Not a big disappointment to her. You find one pregnant lady who would be disappointed to learn that her pregnancy would be shorter than 40 weeks!!

However, due to the Factor V Leiden, Sherri had to take shots of blood thinners during her pregnancy to avoid getting a blood clot which could harm either her or the baby. She started taking these shots at about 7 weeks into her pregnancy and continued them until she gave birth. Other than that, her pregnancy was fairly uneventful and she felt good! No real morning sickness to speak of and a weight gain that was in the "normal" range...that's enough info on that!

Below are some ulrtrasound pictures of the baby taken at various points in the pregnancy and the obligatory belly shots of mommy!

Baby at 10 weeks

Baby at 20 weeks

Mommy at 20 weeks (approx. 5 months)!!

Mommy at 26.5 weeks (approx. 6.5 months)!!

Baby at 28 weeks...sticking his or her tongue out at Mommy and Daddy!

Mommy at 35 weeks...almost there!!!

The Birth of Baby #2