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Sammi, Age 12 to 18 Months

A New Year Begins!!
She just keeps getting bigger, and cuter!! So, here we go...pictures from the second year!!! And, of course, important milestones and other interesting facts about her development!

Samantha at 14 Months Old.

By 14 months Sammi had just gotten her walking down pat. Even though she took her first official steps on August 9, 2002, she didn't kick it into high gear until the middle of September! Guess she though crawling was more efficient!

See, we told you! Really, she was walking at 14 months!!
Here she is testing out her skills walking around the kitchen!! Boy, once she got going, she never slowed down!
Time for Pumpkins!!
At 15 months, Sammi was getting ready to celebrate her first Halloween! She had tons of fun at the Pumpkin Farm.

By this time, Sammi weighed 20 lbs 2 oz and was 33 inches tall! Continuing her track of being tall and thin like her daddy!
More Pumpkin Picking Pictures
Surrounded by my best friends!!!
So, you know she likes Elmo!! Well, she also loves her dog Scraps!! And her blanket, Schmecky! So, here she is, in her highchair, insisting that they all be with her!
Samantha's Second Halloween
For her second Halloween, we dressed Samantha as a black kitty cat! She just loves cats, so we thought it would be a good costume for her. And, since she could "meow" like a kitty cat, she fit the part well.
More Halloween Pictures
I Don't Know!!
Her favorite expression!! Ask her "Where's Baxter?" when she can't see him, or "Where's Daddy" when he's at work or any other question that she doesn't know the answer to and you get "Uh on oh" with her hands just like this!! Her way of saying "I don't know!" Too cute!!

This picture was taken when she was 16 months old.
Samantha's First Boyfriend
Well, ok, maybe not her boyfriend, but a friend that's a boy!! This is Jack, Samantha's buddy!! His mommy is Sammi's Mommy's best friend!!
Ready for the Holidays!!
Samantha was a great sport as mommy took her pictures a hundred times to get a good one for the holiday card. This one was the winner!
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Here she is with Mommy, Daddy and Baxter going to get the Christmas tree!! Daddy just loves this adventure each year!!

More Tree Cutting Pictures
Can you see why Santa brought me so many gifts!?!?!
Here is Sammi on Christmas Day! Yes, she stayed in her PJ's all day, but why not? She looked so cute in them!!
J-E-T-S Jets, Jets, Jets
Believe it or not, her mommy taught her how to do touchdown, and bought her the Jets hat, but its Daddy teaching her to be the Jets Fan!! And here at 17 months, she is well on her way!
Samantha Moss
Ok, so we know the Jets didn't make it to the Superbowl this year!! But, how cute does she look with Santana Moss' jersey on??? Maybe next year!!
Sammi is 18 Months!!!!
Here is one of Sammi's 18 month portraits! The picture taking experience was a bit of a nightmare, but in the end, I think we ended up with a few good shots!

At 18 months, Sammi weighed 23 pounds and was 33 and 3/4 inches tall. Once again, that put her in about the 30th percentile for weight and about the 95th for height!! Continuing to show the trend to be tall and skinny like daddy! Lucky girl!

Who's that happy baby?
You'd never know that she wasn't enjoying her picture taking experience, now would you??

Click the link below to see the rest of year two!!
Year Two Draws to a Close