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So, now she's TWO!!

What will this year bring?!?
Even though she isn't our baby anymore, she is still precious and we just can't get enough of her!! Here are some pictures of our toddler! Terrible two? Well, sometimes!!!

Who's that girl?!
Dancing around in her dress, Sammi shows us her bottom!!!
Making room for the new baby, Sammi moved into her BIG GIRL BED right after her second birthday! Here she is showing us how she sleeps! She just loves this bed! Especially since it has Elmo sheets!!!!!
Still No Haircut!
Yes, folks, she is two and still has not gotten a haircut! But just look how adorable she is with her pigtails!!!

See that cool table and chair set? That was Mommy and Daddy's second birthday present to Sammi. Below you can find pictures of the work in progress.

Painting of the Chairs

On July 26th, 2003, Mommy and Daddy brought Samantha to her first professional baseball game! I am sure Daddy would have preferred it to be a home Yankees game, but we had to settle for the Milwaukee Brewers at the Colorado Rockies! Sammi had so much fun.
Wow! It's hot out here!
Samantha, at age 25 months, shows off her rosy cheeks after running around outside!
Deep in Thought?
No, probably just watching an Elmo video!
See my new sister?!?!?!
Samantha shows off her new sister, Olivia!
As Poppa Mikey would probably say, here is a picture of our RaggaMuffin!! This picture was taken the weekend we started potty training. Sammi is 26 months old and the Potty Training went really well. She now goes pee-pee in the potty all day long and no longer wears diapers. Just Pull Ups at Nap and Bedtime.
Happy Halloween!!!
For Samantha's 3rd Halloween, she decided that she wanted to be a frog. No matter what other suggestions mommy made for her costume, it was going to be a "froggie". So, finally, mommy found her a froggie costume!!

To see more Halloween Pictures, click the links below. The first one is to the Halloween page on this site, the other is at Ofoto and includes some non-Halloween shots. If Ofoto asks for an email and password, use ours. Email: sherrif0925@yahoo.com, Password: Baxter

Halloween 2003 Page
Halloween 2003 at Ofoto
First Haircut....FINALLY!!!!
Well, finally, on November 19, 2003, Mommy decided it was time to cut Sammi's hair! After much coaxing, Sammi decided it would be ok as long as she sat on mommy's lap and had a lollipop!!!
Another Professional Portrait!
Yes, Mom made her do it again! Actually, we wanted to have Olivia's pictures taken so why not have Sammi's done too!!

At this point, Sammi was about 28 months old. Here is a video clip taken of her reciting her ABCs, which she learned to do when she was about 22 months old!
The ABC's
Splish Splash we were takin a bath!!!!
Samantha and her cousin Siena (almost two in this picure) share some bath time fun!
Under the Parachute
Samantha loves playing with her new parachute!
Beautiful in Blue!!
Here is Sammi modeling the sweater and hat that Grandma made for her! Doesn't she look just gorgeous?
Christmas 2003!
Doesn't Sammi look like such a big girl in her dress, shoes and pocket book!?!?

Click the links below to see more Christmas Pictures and our Hanukkah pictures.
Christmas 2003
Hanukkah 2003

Sitting Pretty
Although she is sitting quietly in this picture, check out the links below to see her strutting her stuff! She just loves to dance and sing. The first clip is of Sammi doing her little dance move that she said she learned from the Wiggles! The second is just some more dancing!!

More Dancing

Finally, by this point, Sammi was fully potty trained, except for at nighttime and some naps. She was starting to wake up dry from most naps, but not all and therefore still wears her pull up for naps!

She keeps growing! Check out the link below to watch her!
Age 2 1/2 to 3