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Samantha: Two and a half to Three!!!

WOW! Sammi is really getting to be such a big girl!!
Below are pictures of Samantha as she gets close to her third birthday! Where did all the time go???
Samantha demonstrates just what a ham she is turning into!

She loves to sing and dance! Some of her favorite songs are "ABC's", "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star", "The Itsy Bitsy Spider", "Jingle Bells" and "Ring Around the Rosie". She knows lots of others including a Hungarian song that Grandma taught her.
Look at ME!
Sammi shows us her creative side! She would paint all day if mommy was willing to let her!

Not only is she artistic, she is also very bright. Samantha now knows how to speak Spanish! At this point she knows how to say hello, goodbye, good night, dog, cat, cow, sheep, duck, yellow, blue, red, pink, green, slide, moon, milk, mommy, daddy, and little girl.

The Sisters!

Samantha and Olivia model the sweaters that Grandma knit them for Hanukkah!

Another Haircut!
On February 16, 2004, Samantha decided she wanted another haircut! This time mommy decided to give her some bangs!
Off to School!
Here's Samantha all ready to go to school! Although she tells us she doesn't want to go and sometimes cries when she is dropped off, she always tells us how much fun she had when we pick her up!!
Just Beautiful
OK. What more can we say?
Our Little Ballerina
On March 2nd, Samantha started her very first tap, ballet and jazz class. So far, she seems to really enjoy it - especially the tap! In June, she will be in a recital. We can't wait!

Click the link below to see more pictures of Samantha in dance class.
Samantha Dancing

I Love My Sister
Here Samantha hangs out in bed with Olivia. Don't let this picture fool you, she does love to torture her little sister!

By now, Sammi's Spanish vocabulary has expanded. She can now count to 10 in Spanish and can also say star, boat, apple, elephant, lion, orange, and purple.
A Beautiful Day at the Park
Well, by far, her favorite park activity, is the swings, but she also enjoys teeter tottering!
Daddy Doesn't Like This!!!
Samantha smooches her boyfriend Jack!!!
Happy Easter!!!
Samantha gets in the spirit by wearing bunny ears!
I'm sure there are more eggs around here somewhere!!!
Here Samantha has tons of fun hunting for Easter eggs. Unfortunatley, it snowed in Colorado the day before Easter, so we had to do our hunt inside, but Sammi didn't seem to mind.
My Baby Sister!
Mommy took Olivia for her six month portraits and couldn't resist getting a shot of the sisters!!
"I wanna take my clothes off!"
Well, after Sammi saw Mommy undress Olivia for the pictures in the roses, she wanted to be in one too!
A Real Pedal Pusher!
Now Mommy thinks Samantha is really a big girl. She can ride a bike! So, it's really just a tricycle, but she knows how to pedal.
Just Being A Goofball!
Sammi has really learned the fine art of being a goofball when Mommy tries to take her picture.
Looking Ever So Innocent
Don't let this picture fool you! Samantha is not quite as sweet and innocent as she looks! She spends a lot of time in her room being punished for hurting her sister - knocking her over when she's sitting on the floor, pinching her, biting her, squeezing her, you name it! It certainly is not fun for Olivia.
Watch out!
Here is Samantha just goofing off, once again, when I try to take her picture.
Me and My Friends
In June 2004, Mommy took Samantha to Sesame Place with her friend Jack and Jack's mommy Pam! Although Samantha had one or two meltdowns while we were there, the trip was a success and meeting THESE guys, certainly helped make it one!
More Sesame Pictures & Our Trip Home to CT in June 2004
Pictures Can Be Deceiving!!
Oh, don't let this picture fool you! She still isn't nice to her sister MOST of the time
Our Prima Ballerina
On June 19th, 2004, Samantha performed in her very first dance recital! Needless to say, she did fantastic! Even applauding herself when the audience did! But, mostly importantly, she had a really good time. She just loves to dance.
And Our PomPom/Tap Girl!
And here she shows off her costume for her pom pom and her tap routines.
More Recital Pictures
My Cousin!!
In July 2004, we rented a house on the Oregon coast with Samantha's cousin, Siena, her baby sister Bianca and their parents, Uncle Michael and Aunt Tina. Samantha and Siena just had a ball playing together! It's really too bad we don't all live closer to eachother.
Go Get It!
Here Samantha and Siena play ball with their friend Brooke who came to visit us at the house in Oregon.
Trip to Oregon, July 2004
Our Beautiful Three Year Old!
Well, here she is, celebrating her THIRD birthday! Mom and Dad just can't believe that she is three! Where on earth did all the time go? She has certainly grown to be a terrific little kid. She is smart, funny, energetic, sweet and bright. We just love her with every ounce of our being.
How's That for a Big Girl?!
Samantha shows off her new bike, one of her birthday presents from Mommy and Daddy!
Samantha's Third Birthday Party

Watch her start her preschool years!! Check out the link below:
Samantha, Age 3 to 4