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Olivia's First Six Months!

Another Beautiful Daughter!!!!
We hope you enjoy these pictures of Olivia's first six months as much as we do!! Like her sister, we just love sharing pictures of her and hope you enjoying reading all about her growth and development during this time!

Olivia at 2 weeks.

As of her two week appointment, Olivia had gained back all the weight she lost before she left the hospital and then some. She now weighed 7 pounds even!
Click the link below to see more pictures from those first two weeks. If you need an email and password for Ofoto, you can use ours: sherrif0925@yahoo.com Password: Baxter

More Pictures of Olivia!
Bath Time!!!
Not quite sure if she likes the bath or not!!

In this picture Olivia was almost one month old. At this point she weighed 8 pounds 6 1/4 ounces!!!
A Sweetie At One Month!
Don't mind daddy's hairy legs, but we thought this was a cute picture anyway!!

Click the link below to see a little video of Olivia as she starts to coo and move around a bit!

Olivia in Action!

Happy Halloween!!!
For Olivia's first Halloween, we dressed her as a lady bug. Actually, it was Samantha who decided she was going to be a lady bug!

To see more Halloween pictures, click the links below. The first one is for the Halloween page on our site, the second is an album over on Ofoto which includes some non-Halloween shots. If Ofoto asks for email and password, use ours: email: sherrif0925, password: Baxter

Halloween 2003 Page
Halloween 2003 at Ofoto

First Professional Portrait!
Here is Olivia's first professional portrait. This was taken when she was just about two months old.

As of two months, Olivia weighed 11 pounds 4 1/2 ounces and was 23 inches long! That puts her in about the 50th percentile for both height and weight.
Who's that Little Girl??
Starting to pick her head up, although, not in this picture, here is Olivia at 2 and a half months.
BRRRRR It's cold out!
Olivia all ready for the cold weather!
Now there's her smile!
Well, her first smile came on October 18th, when she was just over a month old. But, here's one of the first good pictures with her smiling. At almost 3 months old!
Olivia's Mikvah
On December 22, 2003, we had Olivia officially converted to Judaism. Here's a picture of her and daddy taken before her big dunk!

Olivia's First Christmas & Hanukkah

Olivia enjoyed her first Christmas as much as any 3 month old would! Unfortunately, she slept through most of the Hanukkah celebration and mom didn't get many pictures of her. You can see more Christmas and Hanukkah pictures by following the links below.

Hanukkah 2003

Christmas 2003

Who's That??
Olivia found herself in the mirror! She is starting to have really good head control here at age 3 and 1/2 months.
Me and My Friends
Well, actually, they are Sammi's friends, but she let Olivia borrow them!

Olivia is four months old. At age four months, Olivia weighed 13 pounds and 14 ounces and was 24.5 inches long!
I Love My Saucer!!!
Here's Olivia playing in her UltraSaucer! She is really starting to learn to reach out and play with the toys! And, of course, Sammi 'helps' her out when she can't reach them!!

Click the link below to see Olivia playing her piano!!

Olivia playing the piano
This is a cozy place to sleep!
Olivia fell fast asleep on her big sister's bed!!!
Pretty in Pink!!!
Olivia shows off another color she looks beautiful in!
My Sister Loves Me
Samantha smothers Olivia in kisses!!!
All Clean!!!
All clean! Olivia is almost 5 months old in this picture. She now weighs about 14 pounds, 9 ounces
Five Months Old
Here is Olivia on her five month birthday! Still not rolling over, Olivia does love to kcik her legs, laugh and coo and just spend lots of time watching her big sister!!!
If I just lean a little more this way....
Olivia tries really hard to roll over....but she just doesn't get there!!!
My First Jewelry
Olivia shows off her first piece of jewelry...a bracelet with her name on it!!!
Baxter is learning to like Olivia better than Samantha....at least she doesn't jump on him, pull his hair, or hit him....at least not yet!!!
Ok, now where's the food???
We finally sat Olivia in the highchair, but she still hasn't started eating solids yet....soon though!
All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go
Even though we had nowhere to go, we dressed up Olivia in her dress! She looks cute, so who cares that she just spent the day with mom!
In this picture, she is just over 5 months old and still not rolling over. She doesn't really try much so I'm not sure if its that she can't or just doesn't want to.

Well, on February 24th, we decided to give Olivia some rice cereal but she didn't seem to like it so much! But, I'm sure in time, she'll actually learn to eat it!
Look at Me!!! I Can Sit!!!
On March 7, 2004, Olivia sat up for the first time. And, she actually held this position for about 30 seconds. And she gets better every day.
Quack Quack
Here she is sitting with a little help from duck!
First Swinging Experience
Olivia took her first ride in a swing at the park when she was very close to 6 months old.

Click the link below to see her swinging in action!!

Ready for the Beach
It's only March, but Olivia is all ready for the sun and the beach!

Here Olivia is now 6 months old. She weighs 15 pounds, 15 ounces and is 25 1/2 inches long. She is still just about the 50th percentile for both.

To see the next six months, click the link below!
The Next Six Months