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Olivia, Age 6-12 Months

Time Flies!!!
Olivia is growing up so quickly. Here are pictures of her from age six months to one year.
Olivia's Naming
While we were home in Connecticut visiting, on April 3rd, 2004, we had Olivia's naming at the synagogue. Afterwards, we went to lunch. Here is Olivia on her special day with Mommy and Daddy. Click the link below to see more pictures of our trip to Connecticut.
Trip to Connecticut
Yummy Zwieback!!!
Here Olivia tastes one of the finer things in life! A Zwieback toast!

Click the link below to see a video of her eating it! Or maybe just playing!!!

Eating Zwieback

Sitting Pretty
Olivia sure has mastered the sitting thing!

First Bath in Real Tub!
Olivia takes her first bath in the real bathtub. And, like any good Mommy does, she puts her in with her sister, and takes pictures!!
Olivia's First Easter
Our little Easter bunny!!!
Six Month Portraits
Well, at age six months, she had given herself a pretty bad scratch on her face, so we had to wait a couple of extra weeks to have these taken. But, we'll call them six month portraits anyway!
Our Rose Bud!
Mommy couldn't resist the naked baby in roses picture!
The sisters!
Of course Mommy had to get Sammi in on the action!
Olivia's First Swim!
Ok, so she isn't really swimming, but it was her first time in the pool. I think she liked it!
This is Fun!
She loved sitting at the edge of the pool playing with all the toys Sammi brought her. And she loved the streams of water that were coming from the edge!
All Dry and Cozy
Time to get out and get dried off!
Seven Months Old
Olivia is now over seven months old in this picture.The lazy bones that she is, she still isn't rolling over, won't try and crawl and is hardly interested in even standing on her two little tree trunk legs!!
Home Girl
Mommy thinks Olivia looks like "Home Girl" in her Boston College hat!
Time to Play Ball
Daddy loves putting his hats on Olivia. I think he thinks she looks really cute in them. I guess he is right! ;)
Yummy food!
She has finally decided to start eating something other than Mommy's breast milk and formula. She now loves to eat food! In addition to eating baby food, she likes some table foods as well....Cheerios, of course, wheat bread, waffles, and crackers. Not the most extensive array of foods, but it will come in time!

WOW! My sister is being nice to me!
Yes, occasionally, we can catch her being NICE to Olivia!
Rolling, FINALLY!!
Well, finally, at about the age of 9 months, Olivia decided it was time to roll over. Here's a picture of her just teasing us by rolling to her side! Another new thing she learned about this time....to say "Ma ma!!" Yes, she said "Ma ma" before "Da da" which is ok, since Sammi said "Da da" first!

At this point, age 9 months, Olivia weighed 18 pounds 10 ounces and was 28 inches long, putting her in about the 50th percentile for both height and weight.

All dressed up....
and SOMEplace to go! Auntie Alex's high school graduation! Olivia, age 9 months, attended her Aunt Alex's high school graduation in June 2004.

Our Trip Home to CT in June 2004

My New Friend!
Olivia plays with her new friend Jordyn who was born just one day after her!
My Cousins!!!
Olivia spent her first Fourth Of July with her two cousins (and her sister of course), Siena and Bianca, at a rented house on the Oregon coast. We all had so much fun!

Trip to Oregon, July 2004

No, It's Not MY Birthday YET!!!!
Olivia starts to prepare for her first birthday by helping Samantha celebrate her 3rd!
We're Outta HERE!!!
Olivia shows off her Colorado spirit just before we make the big move back east. I think it's fine that we moved. The cowgirl thing just doesn't work for her!
We have been a bit concerned about Olivia's gross motor skills. She only started crawling in early August, she rolled over very late and is not so good about standing up. Here she is, at almost 11 months old showing us how she CAN stand, once we prop her up! All it will take is some time, and I'm sure she'll get there.
Looking Up to Big Sis!
First off, let Mommy say, that Yes, I do like taking naked baby pictures!! But, c'mon, how cute is this?!?! Here Olivia and Samantha get ready for a bath in their "new" bathtub in Connecticut!

At this point, Olivia was just over 11 months old. As noted above, she had recently begun crawling and although she is standing in this picture, she still couldn't quite pull herself up to this position and couldn't really hold it for very long either! She was evaluated by a pediatric neurologist who said that she did demonstrate some signs of being phyically delayed - he called it Dissociative Motor Maturation - but he was not at all concerned.
How Big's Olivia???
Soooooooo Big! Olivia shows off one of her many new skills. This, along with clapping and waving hi and bye are some skills she's acquired over the past few weeks. Here she is just a few days away from her first birthday!!
Olivia turned one on September 15th, 2004! On September 18th, we celebrated with an Olivia the pig party! Here, OUR Olivia the pig shows us just how much she enjoys her cake!
Olivia and the Girls!
Here is Olivia celebrating with her Mommy, big sister, Grannie Annie and Aunts Alex and Catie!

To see more pictures of Olivia's first birthday, click the link below:
Olivia's First Birthday
Our Beautiful One Year Old!
At her one year check up, Olivia was 31 inches tall and weighed a little over 22 pounds. This put her in about the 90th percentile for height and about the 75th for weight. Although she was still not walking or even pulling herself to a stand, she had really gotten the crawling down pat and was starting to get into everything! She finally got her first four teeth (all within a few days of eachother) just a little bit before she turned one! That made for some not so fun nights, but she managed through it!
To see Olivia enter the 2nd year of her life, click the link below!
Olivia 12-18 Months