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Sammi, Age 6 months to 1 Year

Getting Bigger and Cuter all the time!
Here are some pictures of Samantha from age 6 months to 1 year. We have also included information about her development during this time, including her height and weight, as well as important milestones.

Samantha at Age 6 months. Here is where the fun begins!

Well, we know, she looks really preppy in this picture. But, what can you expect?

My First Airplane Ride
At barely six months of age, Sammi took her first airplane ride. We went to Charlotte, NC to visit our friends Jill and Robert. She was so good on the flights. And she has flown quite a few more times since!
Samantha's First Easter
Well, she may have been too young to notice, but Samantha had a fun first Easter. She got to celebrate with all her grandparents, her Uncle Chris, Aunt Alex and Catie, Uncle Russ (Grannie Annie's boyfriend) and her mommy's cousins Paul and Laura and baby Jack, Sammi's second cousin!
My Favorite Character...Elmo!!
Early on, Sammi developed a liking for Elmo. Maybe it was because her mommy always liked Elmo...did she force Samantha to like him too?? Well, it doesn't matter now because she is Elmo obsessed!!
Beautiful as Ever at 9 Months
At nine months, Samantha weighed 17 pounds, 11 ounces and was 29 inches long. By this time she had a few more teeth, but still wasn't crawling...any day though...she started crawling at about 9 and 1/2 months.
Picture Perfect 10 Month Old!!
Where, you ask, does she get the blonde hair and blue eyes? Well, her mother was blonde as a baby, as was her father. The blue eyes come from a great grandmother on her daddy's side and a great grandmother on her mommy's side. Thank goodness for recessive genes!!
Mommy's First Mother's Day
Sammi was very good to her mommy for her first Mother's Day. Sammi gave her a photo album for all the pictures of her and Scrapbooking software!! Sammi's daddy gave her a beautiful gold necklace...lucky mommy!!
Standing, but not yet walking...
At almost 11 months, Samantha was still not ready to walk. In fact, it would be a couple of months still until she did. Why walk when she could crawl so fast??
First Father's Day
It was a nice day for Sammi's daddy...he got a picture frame with a beautiful picture of Samantha and a cool clock for his desk at work. So, maybe he wasn't as spoiled as mommy was on Mother's Day, but isn't that how it is supposed to be??
Favorite Colors?
We started to notice when Sammi was about 11 months old that she had a particular liking for the colors Blue and Green. If she was playing with a toy, such as the one in this picture, that had multiple color objects, she always played with the blue ones and the green ones. In fact, she would go out of her way to get those colors if need be. We thought it was interesting. We'll see if this preference remains with her or if she will outgrow it!
Flash Back!!!!
Just to remind you just how small she was a year before....
Samantha with her Mommy and Daddy
This was taken only days before her first birthday...
One of her One Year Portraits
This was one of Sammi's One Year portraits that was taken at the Picture People. They even asked us to sign a model release as they were interested in using one of the pictures (the first one on the Family Photo Page) for their advertising. We don't think it ever did get used though.

By one year Sammi was 31 inches long and weighed 20 pounds 2 ounces. She was such a big girl!!

Click the link below for more. If Ofoto asks for a username and password, use Sherrif0925@yahoo.com for the username and Baxter for the password, if you don't have your own.

Sammi's One Year Portraits

Yummy Cake!
This was taken on her actual birthday. We went out to Bertucci's for dinner with Aunt Catie and then came back and ate some cake that was left from her party!! Yummy!!

Click the link below for pictures from her party. If Ofoto asks for a username and password, use Sherrif0925@yahoo.com for the username and Baxter for the password, if you don't have your own.

Sammi's First Birthday Party
To see the start of of Sammi's second year, click the link below!
Year 2 Begins